Choose the perfect TRIB3 for you

We know that sometimes when life presents you several options, it's hard to work out which one to go with. With TRIB3, we offer a flexible franchise model underpinned by our signature workout experience, so you can easily find the right option for you.
Inclusivity is one of our fundamental values and we believe our franchise model should be as accessible as possible. Especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as awareness of the importance of health and fitness becomes even more prevalent and consumer behaviours evolve.
We´ve developed a tiered size and investment model to be fully adaptable to your needs when launching a TRIB3 store, but with a standard studio design that allows for a fast break-even, even with distancing measures in place. Depending on where you would like your store located and the capital you have available, you can choose to open a smaller more focused workout studio, or - with the right area and larger amounts of available capital - a full TRIB3 store which includes an expansive social area and a full-service Mixology bar and reception, like our flagship store in Madrid, TRIB3 Cuzco.
The signature workout experience is what makes TRIB3 so unforgettable and unique so the rest is up to you. We guide you every single step of the way, using demographic & locational analysis to assist you in selecting the perfect size and specification for your store.
TRIB3 1.0 - Focused studio
Our smallest specification, you can open a TRIB3 1.0 with as little as £59k liquid capital, plus bank funding. This focused workout studio is well suited to highly residential areas where customers are generally ‘in and out;’ and are likely to shower and change at home. It has a small restroom / changing room facility and either a small open plan reception or an entrance which opens directly into the studio. Same workout experience, streamlined space.
TRIB3 2.0 - Core store
The TRIB3 2.0 is perfect for more compact properties in areas with a good corporate and residential mix. A 2.0 store requires an investment level of at least £119k liquid capital (plus bank funding) and ideally a 2,700- 3,200 sq. ft. property. The 1.0 store features the signature TRIB3 workout studio plus ‘grab and go’ Mixology protein bar along with unisex locker area and shower & changing pods. Same workout experience complemented with more space to change, relax and recover post-workout.
TRIB3 3.0 - Premium store
If you´re looking to open a TRIB3 in an area with high footfall and to create an environment where TRIB3Rs will come to socialise and unwind as well as workout, this option is for you. The signature TRIB3 workout studio is set within our most spacious store spec including a lounge area, a full Mixology bar, a reception and male & female changing rooms. Our famous workout experience plus all the extras that ensure TRIB3Rs can prepare, sweat and recover on-site. These premium stores need a minimum investment level of £170k liquid capital plus bank funding and an area of 3,500 – 4,500 sq. ft.
Our business model centres around putting the customer at the heart of everything so that every time someone sets foot in TRIB3 they receive exceptional and unrivalled service, regardless of the size or specification of the store. Each option provides that fundamental TRIB3 studio and workout experience to your consumers, driving customers to come back time and time again, helping you reach a fast break-even point.
As people look to increase their health and wellbeing and stay fighting, help us grow our community in the booming boutique fitness market.
For more information on how to choose the perfect TRIB3 for you, enquire today.